The Master of Public Policy postgraduate study program lasts for a period of 1.5-2years or 3-4 semesters.
The study period for the Master of Public Policy is a maximumof 3 years or 6 semesters (in accordance with Permendikbudristek No. 53 of 2023 about Penjaminan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi).
Minimal credits / ETCS to pass the Master of Public Policy program is 66 credits or equivalent to 120 Which consists of:
1) Formal learning students must achieve 44 credits or 80 ETCS compulsory courses consisting of 30 credits (54 ETCS) compulsory courses, 6 credits (10.8 ETCS) elective courses, and 8 credits (14.4 ETCS)
2) Other activities students can choose to increase the number of study hours, so as to add 22 credits or equivalent to 40 ETCS. These activities are:
– The conference is equivalent to 5 credits(9 ETCS).
– The workshop is equivalent to 2 credits(3.6 ETCS).
– Grants/research are equivalent to 6 credits(10.8 ETCS).
– Capstone Project is equivalent to 6 credits(10.8 ETCS).
– Research output:
a. National publication/policy brief/policy paper equivalent to 5 credits (9 ETCS).
b. International publications equivalent to 9 credits(16.2 ETCS).
c. Poster equivalent to 2 credits (3.6 ETCS).
Students can choose elective courses, namely:
1) Urban Mobilities or Urban Planning
2) Social Policy
3) Capita Selecta of Public Policy
4) Big Data and Policy
Graduation requirements for Master of Public Policy students are:
1) Thesis.
2) Article Publication. (publication link)
3) Final project in the form of a Policy Brief or Policy Paper.
The entrance route for the Public Policy study program is through SMUP (Seleksi Masuk Universitas Padjadjaran), accessible at
The degree obtained by graduates of the Master of Public Policy is MKP